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Being a dancer is more than simply knowing how to move your body, it is understanding and then mastering the musical connection. Learn to count music, find your rhythm, and express yourself in an ancient and universal language. One of the most popular instruments belly dancers incorporate in their dance are Zills or finger cymbals. The term is derived from the Turkish word Zillery which means cymbals. Gain insight on enhancing the music with the Zills by learning how to create texture with different tones, appropriate places to pause, and when to add exciting accents.
During these classes, students will learn fundamentals of playing Zills and how to add musical energy to your dance! Your belly dance teacher will explain the different ways to count the music, to create various tones and of course to understand different patterns and Middle Eastern rhythms. Popular 4/4 and 2/4 rhythms will be explored including Beledi and Ayuub. You will learn how to integrate arm patterns, footwork and a complete belly dance choreography with the Zills. The class is structured in a way that you can take the techniques you learn from class to practice in your own time. This class is gender neutral and is open to all levels.
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Our Percussionist
Jeff Marder has been studying Middle Eastern drumming for about six years and has accompanied dance classes for two years. He first studied with Alex Spurkel, and he is currently a student of Donavon Lerman. He first picked up the doumbek in order to provide basic rhythms for the Dances of Universal Peace during the late 70s and early 80s. At the age of three, his parents bought him his first phonograph, and he learned how to spin (records and himself) at 78, 45, and 33 1/3 rpm. At the age of nine, his mother bought him a Magic Carpet, which he still maintains and uses regularly. He worked over thirty years in Information Technology, and he has had the privilege of seeing his software completely blow up live on CNN. Jeff has been a campus DJ and jazz record reviewer, served as a record monitor for vocalist Jon Hendricks (of Lambert, Hendricks and Ross) at UCLA, and appeared on Nickelodeon’s “Wild and Crazy Kids”. Jeff has attended workshops and played his drum at the California Institute For Women prison.
