Learning for Life
Live Streams
Tell me a story – Student Exhibition
August 28th 2015 7:30pm 1644 S. La Cienenga Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90035 We connect through the power of storytelling. Sometimes personal and sometimes legendary, stories give us the power to share and to be exposed. Stories or narratives have been shared in every...
Cairo ShimmyQuake 2015
Last sunday the LA Bellydance Academy charged the stage of Marta Schill's second annual Cairo ShimmyQuake in Glendale, CA. Our dear Afton first captivated the audience with her skilled zill technique. It was fantastic to see her and Jeff hype up the crowd! Of course,...
Why does Yoga feel so damn good?
At the physical level, the practice of yoga liberates endorphins, hormones that trigger sensations of happiness. You stretch and touch parts of your body that are not frequently used in our modern everyday lives. Areas that are dying to be remembered, to receive a...