Raks el Shamadan

Join our special guest instructor Shining as she leads you through different ninety-minute dance workshops designed to introduce you to the historical Egyptian prop dance called Raks el Shamadan.

Explore your creativity, and flexibility by studying the fundamental topics related to this exhilarating dance. Learn more about the history of the candelabra in Egypt and different movements from the Awalim aesthetic.

It is thought today that most candle dances are inspired by the mid-nineteenth century dancers who began their lineage in an elite cast of educated artist hailing from Mohamed Ali Street. A small artist villige inside the city of Cairo that thrived for more than two hunderered years. 


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about your insturctor

Shining is an award-winning performer and instructor, internationally recognized for her exploration and creative reconstruction of early Raqs Sharqi and the candelabra-balancing dance named “Raqs al-Shamadan”. With over 15 years of training in a diverse cross-section of traditional and modern dances of the MENAT and it’s diaspora communities, she is committed to providing interesting and educational seminars about Oriental Dances with an emphasis on the historical and cultural aspects as elements that create a well-rounded and impactful performer. For more information visit: www.shiningbellydance.com

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